Leaders are born

Whether it’s Jordan, Brady, Musk or Churchill, it is said that leaders are either born, or born in a moment.
In the world of business, for every alpha leader, you have many more who would really just prefer talking code, staying in their comfort zone -- even when they find themselves at the helm of a multi-million dollar company, with hundreds of employees, affecting the lives of many more.
But like it or not, today’s reality forces them to embrace a leadership that often goes against their grain. They are responsible for their employees, they need to take a stance on the pressing issues of the day, whether it’s the impact on the environment, racial inequality, geo-political shifts of power, privacy, ethical practices…not to mention being able to constantly articulate and communicate the company’s vision, and ensure it is aligned with the ever-changing markets and consumer sentiment.
Yes, leadership is something you are born with, but it‘s also something that needs to be cultivated, and more importantly, communicated.
To be a leader requires commitment and that means creating consistent content.
Depending on the company and the leader, it’s important to determine a frequency and velocity of content. A strong, well-thought out content strategy is crucial, especially when you aim to inspire thought, and not just generate leads.
You don’t become a thought leader overnight. It takes time, a whole lot of work and perhaps even a bit of luck, but if you have a story, it's definitely worth telling it.