The window to your soul

Your website’s homepage is the window into the soul of your business.
It is a meeting point between clarity and personality; an opportunity to stand out, a reason to believe for prospective users who are out there window shopping, contemplating between option 1, 2 and 3.
It is also the starting point when developing your brand’s story and core messaging. With today’s scrolling websites, you have an unprecedented opportunity to tell a different angle of your story with each new scroll.
Now imagine day 2. You’ve just shared your story with the world and you’re getting great feedback, leads, press coverage etc.... You’ve created a great first impression. You’re that new and exciting flavour.
But soon they will forget.
They will be clicking on the new Billy Eilish video, scrolling through reels, clicking clickbait, or even worse, clicking your competition.
This is where you need to have an on-going content strategy. To determine the parameters of your content, your position on different topics to be able to engage in conversations, the frequency and velocity of your content and what channels present the best opportunity.
Good content can be a great opportunity to become an industry leader. Or to become an exciting challenger brand.
But ultimately, good content is about having a conversation, standing for something, showing the way forward, being in context…It is a mix between marketing, psychology and journalism.
It is calculated and engaging, smart, sexy and soulful. It is the kind of content you would perhaps want to consume yourself.